plant a butterfly garden
How many native butterflies do we have?
we have 11 species of butterfly in New Zealand.
*how many native butterflies does Tonga or Samoa have?
there are 29 species of butterflies in Samoa
name 3 things a butterfly garden must have:
You should have a butterfly hut (Greenhouse) and have flowers in there for them to get nectar off of. Also you should check on them everyday in case they got hurt or flew away from home. But anyways you should have lots and lots of flowers!
What did urban mean?
Pertaining to a large city. An urban area might be defined as an area with a large amount of people residing in it, an area that has been significantly developed, or an area where the distance between buildings is very small. Urban is used in contrast to rural, which generally indicates a low-population, often agricultural-based area.
Name 2 ways we can help the native butterflies:
we can help by planting milkweed which attracts monarch butterfly’s.
what is the host plant for Monarch butterflies? for magpie moths?
*find a picture for 3 of the native species of butterflies:
*find pictures for 4 of the nectar-rich plants that have been suggested to plant