
Thursday, 12 June 2014

maud island frog

A maud island frog is a very endangered species and its only about 47 millimetres long and its colour is golden yellow to light brown. a frog doesn’t croak but it makes a chirping noise like a cricket. Moad island frogs eats small larvae,worms,beetles and insects but most frogs catch the insects with their tongues. But the maud island frog pounces on its prey and crams them into its small hands. Frogs breathe through their lungs,but they can only do this if their skins dry out they die.   

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   wild self
My wild self is a dangerous animal because it can eat a big whale and a dinosaur. It is a very big animal and it is a good and fast flyer. If you feed it it will be kind to you and it won’t eat you. They have wings so that they can catch their  prey in the creatar he is the most dagerius animal in the world but the zoo keepers cauth him at the forest next to a tree house he bulid him self.


my` reading

               The  Basket Boat

My name is zylus and I want to be a fishermen when I grow up like thanh. My dad
is a fishermen. My friends men are dai and hung all have fathers who are fishermen too. This place is called Qui Nhon on the southern coast of vietnam. There is a large fleet of coloured wooden fishing boats is moored in the bay near the village. on the beach shore,lots of little round woven boats called tung chai rest on the sand.
the boy wait for their fathers to come ashore in their tung chai.